Get Student Success on the End of Course Math Test
EoCTMath provides parents, teachers, schools, and districts the best opportunities for their young scholars to excel on end-of-course math examinations through standards-aligned, rigorous, and affordable online practice tests. Hassle-free, have your students practicing in no time!
Use these Tools for Student Success
5-Test Practice
FIVE Tests
Standards Aligned
Automatically graded
Reports Improvement Areas
Completely Customizable options
Track Student Progress
See all the scores of your students.
See what questions they missed.
See how much time they spent on each question.
See what they answered for each question.
Create excel files with cumulative data on your students.
Create excel files with item analysis for your students on each question.
Dedicated Login Page
Students can practice the tests from anywhere online.
Password Protected and Secure
Adjust the Fields Entry according to your Preferences
Which Option best Fits Your Needs?
Do you serve multiple schools in a district? Get them the practice they need to prepare for the exams